During my research, I found out that condom and vaginal pouch are some ways to less the chance of getting Chlamydia during sex intercourse. You need to have also a full awareness about this sexually transmitted disease in order to prevent it.
What is Chlamydia? and
What is the symptoms of this kind of disease? Ask yourself.
According to CDC – Center for Disease Control that the chances of contracting Chlamydia during sex is by using condoms. Planned Parenthood estimates that four million people will get chlamydia every year and many are not aware of it as they do not have any symptoms. Chlamydia is a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) that can be contracted from sexual contact via anal, oral or vaginal intercourse. Straight and gay couples can get this STD unless they are tested and practice safe sex using barrier methods such as condoms. Women who are infected can pass the STD to their infants. Wearing a condom during intercourse reduces the risk of getting Chlamydia but you might still get it if you engage in any form of unprotected sex.
The Centers for Disease (CDC) states that the only ways to prevent getting chlamydia are to abstain from sex or to have sex within a monogamous relationship where both partners are tested for STDs and disease-free. The CDC reported 1,030,911 cases of chlamydia in the U.S. of people not incarcerated.